Saturday 15 February 2025
Committee of the Regions for the European Elections

The right to vote as  an ‘Out of constituency voter’

 In brief

Definition of  ‘Out of constituency voter’

‘Out of constituency voter’ is any voter wishing to exercise his/her right to vote in the place of residence, which belongs to a municipality other than the one in whose electoral rolls he/she has been registered, that is, his/her electoral constituency of origin.

Example: a citizen registered in the Municipality of Kavala, resident in the Municipality of Thessaloniki and wishing to vote at the Municipality of Thessaloniki for the party-lists of the electoral constituency of Kavala.

When this takes effect

This right can be exercised only in the occasion of general elections,elections for the European Parliament and referendums.

How this right is exercised

– Any voter wishing to vote at one’s place of residence as above should submit at this Municipality a relevant application

– On the basis of applications submitted a special electoral roll for all such voters [Out of constituency voters] is compiled.

Where do ‘Out of constituency voters ’ exercise their right to vote

On the basis of these special electoral rolls, ‘Out of constituency voters’ exercise their right to vote:

– on the occasion of elections for the European Parliament, at polling stations in their place of residence (along with other voters registered in this constituency electoral roll)

– on the occasion of general elections or the occasion of both general elections and European Parliament elections taking place on the same day, at the special polling stations for ‘Out of constituency voters’ which are set up in the capital cities of each administrative district, with the exception of the Prefecture of Attiki and the Prefecture of Thessaloniki.

Special polling stations for ‘Out of constituency voters’

These polling stations are set up only on the occasion of general elections or on the occasion of general elections and elections for the European Parliament taking place on the same day. There are two types:

– mixed polling stations, where voters from more than one electoral constituency of origin can vote

– single polling stations where voters from one electoral constituency of origin can vote


– Once registered as an ‘Out of constituency voter’, he/she can vote only at his/her place of residence and not either there or at his/her electoral constituency of origin.

– On the occasion of general elections or both general and European parliament elections on the same day, fewer than 40 ‘Out of constituency voters’ from the same electoral constituency apply within the Court of Appeal area of jurisdiction (including 2 or more prefectures falling within the same Court of Appeal), these voters will not exercise their right to vote as ‘Out of constituency voters’ but will be able to vote in their electoral constituency of origin, in whose electoral rolls they have been registered. These voters shall receive timely relevant information.

How to register in the ‘Out of constituency voters’ special electoral rolls

One should submit a relevant application either

– at the municipality of residence, or

– at any Citizen Service Centre (KEP) that will forward it to the municipality of residence.

• This application is also available on line but it can only be filled in and printed out and then submitted as a hard copy as above.

• This application can be submitted either by the interested party in person or by legally authorized representative (such authorization should bear the certification for the authenticity of signature by a public authority).

• It is possible for an ‘Out of constituency voter’ who is already registered in ‘Out of constituency voters’ special electoral rolls of one municipality where one once resided, to apply a new for registration in the respective roll of the municipality of current residence.

• Voters who apply for inclusion in ‘Out of constituency voters’ special electoral rolls after the last before the elections update of electoral rolls, cannot exercise their right to vote as ‘Out of constituency voters’.

How voters can be removed from the ‘Out of constituency voters’ special electoral roll

At any time after a voter has been registered in this special electoral roll, he/she is able to apply to be removed so as to exercise his/her right to vote at the electoral constituency of origin.

Those who apply to be removed from the ‘Out of constituency voters’ special electoral roll after the last before the elections update of electoral rolls, exercise their right to vote as ‘Out of constituency voters’.

Civil servants and Army Officers right to vote

Following the institution of the ‘Out of constituency voters’ right to vote at general elections, civil servants are able to exercise their right to vote at their constituency of residence as ‘Out of constituency voters’, adhering the abovementioned procedure.

Army officers and law enforcement officers may exercise their right to vote at their electoral constituency of origin or at the constituency where they are currently posted, on a special electoral roll.