Saturday 08 February 2025

Press Office

Date Subject Political Heads
09/05/2012 Statement by the Minister of Interior Tassos Giannitsis on the anniversary
of the end of World War II
Minister Tassos Giannitsis
08/04/2012 The Minister of Interior, Tassos Giannitsis’ interview in the newspaper “Real News”
with the journalist V. Skouris
Minister Tassos Giannitsis
03/04/2012 Speech by the Minister of Interior, Tassos Giannitsis, entitled “Towards a more efficient State. Greece: Reforms, ruptures, breakthroughs” at the event organised by the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research, Kantor, the Citizen’s Movement and the Transparency International Greece Minister Tassos Giannitsis
01/04/2012 The Minister of Interior, Tassos Giannitsis’ interview in the newspaper “To Vima”
with the journalist N. Chasapopoulos
Minister Tassos Giannitsis
31/03/2012 The Minister of Interior, Tassos Giannitsis’ interview in the weekly newspaper “Kefalaio” with the journalist A. Perdikaris Minister Tassos Giannitsis
10/03/2012 The Minister of Interior, Tassos Giannitsis’ interview in “Imerisia” newspaper with the journalist K. Galanou Minister Tassos Giannitsis
29/02/2012 Letter of Thanks from the Minister of Interior Tassos Giannitsis to Mr. Marco Galdi, Mayor of Cava de’ Tirreni Minister Tassos Giannitsis
29/02/2012 Letter of Thanks from the Minister of Interior Tassos Giannitsis to Mr. Giovanni Moscatiello, Mayor of Baronissi Minister Tassos Giannitsis
23/02/2012 Presentation by the Minister of Interior, Tassos Giannitsis delivered at the Conference of the European Investment Bank entitled: “Tackling climate change- making green growth a reality” Minister Tassos Giannitsis
20/02/2012 Speech by the Minister of Interior, Tassos Giannitsis at the conference “Change in Europe and in Greece” held in Athens Concert Hall Minister Tassos Giannitsis
19/02/2012 The Minister of Interior Tassos Giannitsis’ article for the newspaper “KATHIMERINI” Minister Tassos Giannitsis
02/02/2012 Speech by the Minister of Interior, Tassos Giannitsis, at the event organised
by the Centre for Progressive Policy Research entitled
“Greece and the euro: Dilemmas and Choices”
Minister Tassos Giannitsis
27/01/2012 Speech by the Minister of Interior, Tassos Giannitsis at the Congress of the Central Union of Municipalities of Greece Minister Tassos Giannitsis
26/01/2012 Interview in “Athens Voice” weekly magazine Minister Tassos Giannitsis
16/01/2012 Speech given at the Harvard Business School Club of Greece conference Minister Tassos Giannitsis
07/01/2012 The Minister of Interior Tassos Giannitsis’ article
for the newspaper “TO VIMA THS KYRIAKIS”
Minister Tassos Giannitsis
21/12/2011 Letter to President of the Institutions and Transparency Committee Minister Tassos Giannitsis
18/12/2011 Message by the Minister of Interior Mr. Tassos Giannitsis on the International Migrants Day Minister Tassos Giannitsis
13/12/2011 Meeting of the Minister of Interior Tassos Giannitsis with the Head of European Commission Task Force for Greece Horst Reichenbach Minister Tassos Giannitsis
05/12/2011 Speech given in the parliamentary debate “Ratification of the 2012 state budget and budgets of special funds and services” Minister Tassos Giannitsis
01/12/2011 The Minister of Interior, Tassos Giannitsis’ interview in the “Deutsche Welle” newspaper with the journalist P. Kouparanis Minister Tassos Giannitsis
29/11/2011 Official visit to Berlin Minister Tassos Giannitsis
24/11/2011 Main points of the Speech by the Minister of Interior Tassos Giannitsis at the plenary session of the Parliament on the International Day for the elimination of violence against women Minister Tassos Giannitsis
21/11/2011 Statements by the Minister of Interior Tassos Giannitsis during his meeting with his Cypriot counterpart, Mr. Neoclis Sylikiotis Minister Tassos Giannitsis
16/11/2011 Speech by the Minister of Interior, Tassos Giannitsis in the parliamentary debate on programmatic statements Minister Tassos Giannitsis